
Open Challenge

Challenge Poster

What’s in the box?

The Things UNO

Starter kit electronics

  • Components:
    • 50 * LEDs (in various colors)
    • 1 * RGB LED
    • 2 * Photoresistors
    • 1 * Thermistor
    • 5 * Diode Rectifier (1N4007)
    • 5 * NPN Transistor (PN2222)
    • 1 * IC 4N35
    • 1 * IC 74HC595
    • 10 * Buttons
    • 2 * Buzzers (active & passive)
    • 1 * Precision Potentiometer
    • 20 * Ceramic Capacitors (10 * 22pf, 10 * 104)
    • 10 * Electrolytic Capacitor (5 * 10UF 50V, 5 * 100UF 50V)
    • 100 * Resistors (10 of each value: 10R, 100R, 220R, 330R, 1K, 2K, 5K1, 10K, 100K, 1M)
    • 2 * Pin Header (40pin)
  • Supplier: product link

Level shifter, 3v3 to 5V, 4 Bidirectional channels

GPS module, u-blox PAM-7Q

Solid state relay, SSR -75DD

  • Operating Voltage: 3-32V / High side max 75A
  • Interface/s: 5V (HIGH = ON)
  • Arduino Library: blink ;)
  • Supplier: product link

Temp, humidity, pressure, BME280

  • Operating Voltage: 5V
  • Interface/s: I2C Attention: on Leonardo type boards I2C is on D2=SDA, D3=SCL
  • Arduino Library: link
  • Supplier: product link

Motion/PIR sensor, HC-SR501

  • Operating Voltage: 4.5-20V
  • Interface/s: if jumper bottom right, view onto print: GND, Data, Vcc
  • Potentiometer: Sensitivity, Delay / turn left = more sensitive, shorter delay
  • Trigger: L: Non-repeatable trigger H: Repeat Trigger (default)
  • Additional Resources:
  • Supplier: product link

Luminosity sensor, BH1750

  • Operating Voltage: 5V
  • Interface/s: I2C Attention: on Leonardo type boards I2C is on D2=SDA, D3=SCL
  • Datasheet: link
  • Arduino libraries:
  • Remark: depending on the library, the ADDR must be set
    • I2C device found at address 0x23! addr LOW or OPEN
    • I2C device found at address 0x5C! addr HIGH
  • Additional resources:
  • Supplier: product link

Reed switch

  • Operating Voltage: 5V
  • Interface/s: marked on the board, Output is High while open
  • Remarks: Do NOT touch the glass with the strong magnet, otherwise the contact could bent or stay closed.
  • Supplier: product link